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The New Animal Welfare Law extends civil liability for damage to third parties to all breeds of dogs.
Maybe you have a home insurance policy that covers this obligation or not… or maybe it’s time to do so. Or maybe you want to take out a pet insurance policy that covers much more…
…Veterinary in case of illness,
…compensation for loss or theft…
…or disposition of the pet when you pass away.
There are many interesting options…
«In the case of dog ownership and throughout the life of the animal, the owner must take out and maintain in force civil liability insurance for damage to third parties, which includes in its coverage the persons responsible for the animal, for an amount sufficient to cover the possible expenses derived, which will be established by regulation».
This is established by the new law, which was published on 28 March 2023 and will come into force in September 2023.
Until now only some breeds of dogs, «potentially dangerous», were obliged to have insurance but with the new law… it will be all dogs.
In addition, the text establishes that people who opt to be dog owners must accredit the completion of a training course for dog ownership that will be valid indefinitely and will be free of charge.

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